Magazine Ads

Film Wallets

Catalog Covers

Ad Postcards



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This section contains images of female photographers
published by Kodak or using the name Kodak.

George Eastman invented a camera simple enough for anyone to operate. He then set out to market it to those he thought most likely to use it--women. In 1893, he introduced the Kodak Girl, a fashionable, young, vibrant and independent woman  who often appeared in ads in a distinctive blue and white striped dress. Until the mid-1920's the Kodak Girl roamed the world freely taking pictures as she went.

The minute I  first  saw one of those early ads at an antique show, I identified with this woman. I WAS the Kodak Girl. Unfortunately in my 50's childhood, the Kodak Girl   usually appeared  as a lifesize cardboard cutout wearing a swimsuit and posing with a camera, standing at the entrance to a camera shop.

For over 20 years I've collected vintage images of the Kodak Girl wherever I could find them. In the process I broadened my collection to include images of all female photographers provided they are shown respectfully and look like they know how to take pictures. This section of the Kodak Girl site contains  images of women produced by the Eastman Kodak Company.