Advertising Photo Contest Booklet
Kodak ran hundreds of ads in numerous magazines over the first few decades of the 20th century. Typically the ads showed people engaged in everyday activities in a variety of settings--the kinds of people who might want to take the same sorts of photos of their own families.

One source for the photos appearing in these ads were the winners of a national Kodak photo contest. The prize-winning photos from 1911 were published in the twelve page booklet (above) with the Grand Prize Winner reproduced in tinted color on the cover.
On the left is the first prize photo in
Class A, taken by Mrs. G. Wintemberg of East Cleveland, Ohio.

On the right is the photo, tinted and used in a Kodak ad entitled "A Summer Morning."

Kodak also used this photo on the cover of their 1912 equipment and supplies catalog.
The prizewinning photo on the left by
Mrs. Mary L. Taylor of
Indianapolis, Indiana was also used in the Kodak ad on the right "Of course Papa lets me Kodak".